Hands across the Land
June 22nd, 2010 by flanewsA nationwide protest will be held this weekend in an attempt to end offshore oil drilling. Hands across the Sand, a Florida environmental group, is organizing the event. The group formed last year after the state legislature tried to lift the state ban on oil drilling. Now Hands across the Sand is going nationwide to convince the federal government to ban drilling and develop renewable energy. Founder Dave Rauschkolb says there are hundreds of events are planned for this weekend.
“All told, we’ve got about 600 events or more than 600 events across the world and about 580 of those events are in America in 48 states in many, many interior cities. There’s even going to be one in St. Louis under the arch,” said Rauschkolb.
In February, 10-thousand people gathered on beaches around the state; joining hands in protest to offshore drilling. For more information or to find an event near you got to handsacrossthesand.org
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