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Hurricane Season

June 21st, 2010 by flanews

Florida’s Emergency Operations Center is already at a level one activation because of the BP oil leak… and its hurricane season… which means emergency workers maybe asked to deal with two crises at once. Department of Emergency Management Director Dave Halstead says the state is prepared if a storm were to make landfall this week…. And according to NOAA there is a 30 percent chance a system in Puerto Rico could develop into a tropical storm.

“We’ve got a tropical wave out there that has a small chance of a formation as it moves westward. So we have a plan here in the state EOC to run both operations simultaneously if necessary and we’ll be exercising a small portion of that this week as we move forward. So again, as we handle the water rising we can’t lose,” said Halstead.

There still remains the question of what happens if a storm hits the huge oil plumes in the Gulf of Mexico. Some fear the wind and wave would skyrocket the oil to land… others say the chop of the sea would dissipate the oil… allowing it to sink to the sea bed.

Posted in Gulf Oil Spill, Hurricane Season, State News | No Comments »

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