AIF After Argenziano
October 15th, 2009 by Mike VasilindaOne of the state’s largest business groups, Associated Industries of Florida, is calling for an investigation into PSC Commissioner Nancy Argenziano. AIF is also releasing thousands of PIN messages between Argenziano and her staff, some of which are very unflattering of her fellow commissioners. AIF President Barney Bishop believes the messages show Argenziano has a bias against the pending Florida Power and Light rate case.
“These messages, I have them here, reveal thousands of Commissioner Argenziano’s covert communications about state business,” Bishop said. “Commissioner Argenziano obviously never intended for her embarrassing, unethical conversations to see the light of day.”
The messages also suggest other commissioners were using their Blackberry’s to discuss business with lobbyists and others. Argenziano in return is accusing AIF of trying to intimidate her and force her off the FPL rate case.
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