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First H1N1 Vaccines Administered

October 8th, 2009 by Mike Vasilinda

Two of Florida’s 67 Counties received the first shipment of the H1N1 Mist vaccine today. Most counties will receive the first wave of the vaccine by the end of next week, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, the mist vaccine isn’t for everyone.

Craig Wilson works with kids at the Jefferson County Health Department. Because his work is on the priority list, Craig became one of the first people in Florida to receive the mist vaccine.  He says it is safer than doing nothing.

“It’s a lot scarier to not have some protection as this comes around,” Wilson said. “So I feel a lot better now.”

Rural Jefferson County received 100 does of the mist vaccine Thursday morning.

This mist isn’t for everyone. No one under 2 or over 49 should take it, and it’s not for pregnant women.

48 Counties, including Jefferson, plan to use schools to administer the vaccines. Kim Barnhill is Jefferson County’s Health Officer.

“Where we’re sending most is into the schools, both the seasonal vaccine, as well as the H1N1,” Barnhill said.

Florida Surgeon General Ana Viamonte Ros held a statewide conference call to brief
reporters on the vaccine. Asked if someone not in the priority group asked for the initial vaccine, she says no one will be turned away…but.

“We’re asking folks and we’re confident that Floridians will understand why we’re doing so,” Viamonte Ros said. “There’s limited supply, we want to make sure that those individuals in those targeted groups are protected first.”

One hundred-thousand doses of the mist vaccine are expected to be in Florida in the coming weeks, but it could take 8 to 12 weeks for the injectable vaccine to arrive for those who can’t take the mist.

Posted in Health, State News, Swine Flu | 1 Comment »

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