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School Board Term Limits

March 10th, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

School Board Term Limits: The Florida Senate has approved legislation imposing 12 year term limits on School Boards. It also requires schools to post all curriculum, learning materials and books in the library on the internet. It opens materials selection committees to the public, and requires that a parent be on the committee. Democrat Tina Polsky (D-Boca Raton) asked why lawmakers are distrustful of public schools.

“Why is the state telling school boards how long they can serve? And this is the third bill in a row where we are not trusting teachers, not trusting school districts, we are not trusting boards to do the right thing by our children” said Polsky, adding  “and I think we need to stop.”

The Legislation went back to the house, which is holding our for eight year term limits instead of the twelve years sought by the Senate.

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