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Abortion Vote Delayed until late Thursday

March 3rd, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

The bill banning abortions was second on one of two calendars in the Florida Senate this morning. But leadership choose instead to work from a second calendar, which had 45 bills on it before taking up the 15 week ban. Lawmakers are likely to go long into the evening debating the bill for the final time. But despite the more than four hours spent on the bill yesterday. Senator Annette Taddeo doesn’t expect and republicans to change their mind.”

“Unfortunately, no different results. We know of certain members who were very much touched by our questions, our amendments, our testimony. But unfortunately no matter what the debate is, or what we say, this is coming from the top and many of them are having to be soldiers. And we shouldn’t be legislating this way. It is very unfortunate.

Taddeo also called the situation “demoralizing”. Is she is right and the bill is approved tonight, it will go to the Governors desk.”

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