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Holocaust Exhibit Provides Intimate Experience

February 10th, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

A rail car replica of those used by Nazi Germany was on display outside the state Capitol today. It provides a twenty-one minute virtual experience on the inside walls of the car, describing the trip Jews made from Hungary to a concentration camp. The governor went inside with about 40 people. In Germany one hundred or more were stuffed into the cars with no place to relieve themselves and no food.

“You can talk about the six million people that were killed” said the Governor. “We all know that’s terrible. You can read it on a sheet of paper, but what does that actually mean when you can see the tragedy. You can see videos, you can see some of the artifacts.” 

Florida has the toughest law on anti semitism in the country. It was signed into law in May 2019 in Israel when the Governor was on a five day trade mission.

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