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Repeal o fFairness in Women’s Sports Filed

February 8th, 2022 by Mike Vasilinda

After a lengthy hearing on parents rights in their child’s sexual orientation discussions, Sen. Gary Farmer (D-Broward) held a news conference to say he has filed legislation to repeal the “Fairness in Womens Sports Act, passed last year that bans someone born a male from participating on a woman’s team.

“It’s unfortunate that we have to keep reminding people” says Farmer. “But I;’m happy to keep saying it, and I’m not going to stop saying it, is that trans girls are girls, and trans rights are human rights. So I know everyone up here joins me in saying, let the kids play. That’s what this is about”

There is also pending legislation that would provide an option to choose non-binary on your drivers license, which means you neither identify as male or female.

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