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Fried Enters Democratic Primary for Governor

June 1st, 2021 by Mike Vasilinda

Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried ended months of speculation and joined former Governor Charlie Crist in the Democratic Primary for Governor Tuesday.

The announcement was not so traditional and is aimed at a growing segment of the Democratic Party.

It was afternoon when the video announcement dropped.

“I’m Nikki Fried. And I’m here to break the rigged system here in Florida. It’s corrupt. It’s anti democratic, and it’s time for something new,” said Fried in the announcement video.

The video was Fried’s only appearance Tuesday.

There were no press conference or rallies.

Political scientist Susan MacManus told us the video will play well with a growing younger demographic in the Democratic Party.

“Social media, videos, technology, are essential to appealing to a part of the Democratic Party she must absolutely must have vote for her,” said MacManus.

Fried all but made the announcement on the day Charlie Crist became the first well know Democrat in the race.

“As the only statewide elected Democrat, it makes absolute sense for me to be running for Governor, but today is not the day for me to make that announcement,” said Fried in early May.

And Fried continues to be Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ biggest critic.

“He must be a one term Governor,” said Fried.

Fried won a squeaker in 2018 and would likely have faced a substantial challenger this time around.

MacManus said there is no glory in losing a re-election bid, but losing an effort at higher office is something else.

“And actually, it is worse to stay and place and lose than it is to gamble and lose at a higher level. You keep yourself alive politically if you keep trying to go for a higher office,” said MacManus.

So, for now, Fried faces an uphill primary battle in both fundraising and name recognition.

“I’m unafraid. I’m tested. I’m ready,” said Fried.

At least one other Democrat, State Senator Annette Taddeo, who ran for Lt. Governor with Charlie Crist in 2014 is considering entering the race.

Dr. MacManus said it is still not too late for others with money or name recognition to get into the race.

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