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Program Rids Roads of Dangerous Clunkers

August 7th, 2009 by flanews

The Cash for Clunkers program is stimulating the economy and improving the environment, but it’s also ridding the roads of dangerous vehicles. As Whitney Ray tells us, some of the trade-ins aren’t fit for the freeway.

These SUVs, mini-vans, and trucks are all headed the gas guzzler graveyard. The Cash for Clunker program is getting fuel sucking vehicles off the road. Many not a moment too soon, says car salesman Mickey Atkinson. The sliding side door on this Mazda mini-van doesn’t open.

“There would be no exit from this side if the car were upside down or leaning on the other side,” said Atkinson.

Cracked windshields, broken door handles, rust, and flat tires were just a few of the problems we found with the trade-ins.

“There are a lot that I don’t believe would have ever been still on the highway, if the inspection stations were still around. There are some very unsafe cars,” said Atkinson.

State inspections were eliminated in 1983. Bill Cloud inspected cars before the law was changed. Bill found dozen of problems with the clunkers.

“I’ve seen a lot of cars that were so unsafe that if people knew that car was headed at them down the highway they would have probably had a heart attack if they knew what kind of condition the car was in,” said Cloud.

But not all the trade-ins are in bad shape. This 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee is in good running order and the tires are nearly new, but it doesn’t matter. Whether junk or jewel all the cars are headed to the salvage yard. Making the air a little cleaner, and the roads a little safer. So far the Cash for Clunkers program has taken more than 220,000 gas guzzlers off the country’s roadways.

Posted in Environment, Health, Highways, State News, Transportation | No Comments »

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