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COVID Liability Heads to the Governor’s Desk

March 26th, 2021 by Jake Stofan

At nearly the halfway point of session the Florida House has sent the first bill to the Governor’s desk.

The legislation provides liability protections for both businesses and health care institutions, like nursing homes and hospitals, from pandemic-related lawsuits.

Democrats have consistently expressed concerns that the protections set too high a standard and would even block legitimate claims, but House Speaker Chris Sprowls argues it’s not blanket immunity.

“So I think this is a shot in the arm for those businesses to say let’s bring our employees back, let’s really lean back into commerce. You know, we’re going to be safe, but as long as we’re doing the right thing, we’ll be protected from not being blindsided by frivolous lawsuits,” said Sprowls.

The legislation passed 83 to 31.

The Governor is expected to sign the bill into law.

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