Lawmakers Seek to Limit Drivers License Suspensions
March 12th, 2021 by Jake StofanMore than 2 million Floridians currently have a suspended drivers license and in 2019 alone, 1.2 million suspension notices were issued.
Nearly three out of four of those issued in 2019 were for failure to pay fines and fees associated with non driving offenses.
Legislation approved by its first House committee Friday would limit clerk of courts’ ability to suspend people’s drivers licenses for failure to pay fines and fees.
Rep. Chip LaMarca said his bill will only allow for a license to be suspended, if the underlying offense is directly related to driving.
“These individuals are unable to pay automobile insurance, thereby increasing the risk to other drivers and without a valid drivers license many of these individuals could lose their job. For driving with a suspended license they face the risk being arrested. HB 557 strikes a balance between ensuring that individuals pay the debts thats are owed, while maintaining the person’s ability to earn a living,” said LaMarca.
The legislation would also still permit drivers license suspensions for failure to pay child support.
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