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Democrats Outpacing Republicans in Vote By Mail

October 15th, 2020 by Jake Stofan

When it comes to vote by mail, Democrats are vastly out performing Republicans based on the 2 million ballots cast so far.

While the mail ballot return rate and polls lean in Biden’s favor, neither party is ready to call the race just yet.

Democrats have returned more than one million mail ballots ahead of the General Election, outperforming Republicans by more than 400,000.

Democrats also have 400,000 more outstanding mail ballots than Republicans.

How many end up returning them could make a huge difference.

Florida GOP Chair and State Senator Joe Gruters believes in-person voting will be where his candidate shines.

“Our voters are, you know, typical old-fashioned. They like to go in person and have their voices heard,” said Gruters.

Even Steve Shale, head of the ‘Unite the County’ Super Pac backing Joe Biden isn’t ready to call the race for his candidate.

“There are 400,000 more absolutely certain Republican voters than Democrats yet to vote. So right now if you take that with the early voting you basically have a partisan tie,” said Schale.

Republicans see their advantage in new voter registrations, which Gruters believes will be about 200,000 more than Democrats when the final tally comes out.

“I’d rather have more voters to go after than just shifting when my voters vote. We know our voters are going to vote,” said Gruters.

But Biden has advantages in some key demographics.

“He’s doing better with Democrats than Hilary Clinton did, he’s doing better with Republicans and better with independents. So if we’re in a tie situation that probably benefits my guy a little bit,” said Schale.

In the end, as the GOP Chairman put it, this election will be decided not by persuading voters to change their minds, but by parties turning out their base.

And both are clearly energized this year.

Most polls still show Joe Biden leading Trump in Florida.

At this time during the 2016 Presidential race, polls showed Trump with a slight advantage in the Sunshine State.

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