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Polls Show Presidential Race Tightening in Florida

September 10th, 2020 by Jake Stofan

The Presidential race in Florida is tightening as Election Day moves ever recent polls reflect both campaigns are making strides with unexpected demographics.

Meeting with Trump Campaign volunteers in the state’s capital, we spoke exclusively with Senior Trump Campaign advisor John Pence, who is also the nephew of Vice President Mike Pence.

“Just last week we made over 730,000 phone calls, knocked over 400,000 doors across the State of Florida,” said Pence.

Florida is a must win for both campaigns.

A new survey from St. Pete Polls shows Biden up three points, but an NBC poll put the race in a dead tie.

The NBC poll shows Trump up by four points among latino voters.

“That message of standing up for freedom at home and abroad, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom for the unborn, it’s resonating with every community in every corner of this country,” said Pence.

But Democratic Strategist Steve Scale doesn’t lend too much credence to the NBC poll.

“If you only talk to maybe 140 or 50 hispanics, you know if you get too many Cubans for example, the poll is going to look too Republican, if you get too many Puerto Ricans it’d look too Democratic,” said Schale, who also acts as Executive Director for Unite the Country, a super PAC backing Joe Biden.

And Schale said Biden is also making strides among other key demographics.

“He’s doing better than Hilary Clinton among seniors, he’s doing better than Hilary Clinton among suburban white women, he’s doing a little better among African Americans,” said Schale.

And while Biden seems to have a slight advantage right now, Democrats aren’t taking it for granted.

Obama was down in Florida polls around this time in 2008 and 2012, but ended up winning the state both years.

Democrats fear Trump is just as capable of making a similar comeback.

The St. Pete Poll also found 73 percent of Florida voters plan to either vote early or by mail, compared to just 27 percent who plan to vote in person on Election Day.

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