Advocates Continue Fight Against Bills They Say Would Harm LGBTQ Community
January 27th, 2020 by Jake StofanLGBTQ advocates are condemning a handful of bills filed for the 2020 session they say will harm their community.
Two bills would preempt local governments in various ways.
Equality advocates say they could repeal local ordinances that currently prohibit employment discrimination for gender identity and sexual orientation and local bans on conversion therapy.
They say sponsors of both bills have been willing to work with the LGBTQ community to address some of their concerns, but another bill that would ban transgender affirming medical practices on children they are calling to be immediately withdrawn.
“The anti-transgender bills that were brought forward by Representative Sabatini and Senator Baxley. These are ugly bills, they are mean bills and they are unacceptable and they should simply be withdrawn from consideration immediately,” said Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith.
LGBTQ advocates are hoping the Competitive Workforce Act is approved by the Legislature this year.
It would establish equal protections for gender identity and sexual orientation for housing, public accommodations and employment.
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