Teen Driving Safety
March 30th, 2009 by flanewsMothers of kids killed in car wrecks are asking lawmakers to pass tougher restrictions on teen drivers.
Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens. Every 6.5 minutes, a teen is killed in a car crash. This week is dedicated to promoting teen traffic safety on the highways in memory of those killed in car wrecks. Connie Beard’s son Matthew Beard was killed in a car crash in 2006.
“He was on life support for a week, I watched my son die. I can promise you there’s no pain more excruciating then to watch your child die, my only baby,” said Connie Beard.
Drivers ages 15 to 19 have the highest crash rate of any age group in the state. In 2007, more than 400 teens died on Florida’s highways.
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