Breast Feeding Advocates Rally Across the Country
April 27th, 2018 by Jake StofanBreast feeding advocates gathered at state capitols around the country Friday, bringing awareness to the importance of women’s right to breast feed in public.
A small group of mothers showed up at Florida’s Capitol for the Nationwide Nurse-In.
They say Florida has great protections for public breast feeding, but the state could improve by adding protections for mother’s to pump in the work place.
“For me it’s incredibly important because if I didn’t have the wonderful support from my job to be able to pump I would not have been able to keep breast feeding my child, because if you can’t pump at work you can’t keep your milk supply going, which means it’s harder to breast feed at home as well,” said Alicia Lane with the Nationwide Nurse-in campaign.
Currently, there are federal protections for pumping in the workplace included in the Affordable Care Act, but the mothers say the state should have it’s own law in case ACA were ever to be repealed.
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