Former State Employees Bash Scott Over State Pension
April 26th, 2018 by Jake StofanA small group of five retired state workers are spoke out against the Governor this morning for or accepting contributions from groups that were given lucrative contracts to help manage the state pension system.
The companies received a total of $250 million of new investment commitments.
They say the Governor’s campaign for Senate received over $50,000 from the private equity executives.
“This appears to be a very clear case of close coordination and circumvention of the pay to play rule, “ said David Jacobsen, President of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. “So it may not have garnered a lot of attention right now, but we want to shed a spotlight on what Rick Scott is doing.”
The group also called out Scott for a law he signed his first year in office, which cut state employees pay by making them pay higher amounts into their pension plans.
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