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Health Groups Say Proposed Constitutional Amendment Would Increase Smoking Rates

March 14th, 2018 by Jake Stofan


A proposed constitutional amendment making its way through the Constitution Revision Commission is looking to put more money into cancer research, but health groups oppose it, because the money would come out of the state’s tobacco prevention program.

Former Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth was one of the main players in the state’s lawsuit against big tobacco in the 1990s.

Since the state won, high school smoking rates have dropped more than 85%. Middle school rates have dropped almost 95%.


“It’s gone down because of the prevention dollars,” said Butterworth.

70 million each year in big tobacco settlement dollars go to Tobacco Free Florida.

Now, a proposed constitutional amendment is seeking to move some of the funding to cancer research.


“And a lot of people would see this on the ballot, ‘Wow more money for cancer, I’m in favor of that,’ but what they’re forgetting is the people involved with cancer at all levels are opposed to this amendment,” said Butterworth.

Medical groups like The American Cancer Society argue less money for anti-smoking campaigns will translate to more smokers.


“Preventing the disease all together is far superior… And if you don’t keep use rates down, cancer rates are going to go up,” said Ray Carson with the American Cancer Society.

Butterworth says he believes the tobacco companies are behind the amendment.


“Everything they’re doing is behind closed doors, probably one-on-one and they will be the big victor,” said Butterworth.

He says the ultimate loser will be the tax payers.

If the amendment were to pass, The State Department of Health estimates the state could see between a 1.9 and 21.4 billion dollar increase in healthcare costs.

If passed, lawmakers will have the final say of how much goes to prevention.

In the past when given the opportunity lawmakers chose to cut the program to the barebones, resulting in increased in teen smoking.

The CRC has until May 10th to approve the amendment for it to appear on the November ballot.


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