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FSU Partially Lifts Ban on Greek Life

January 29th, 2018 by Jake Stofan
FSU President John Trasher has announced the nearly four month long ban on greek life at the university will be partially lifted. 
Greek life has been shut down at FSU since the death of 20-year-old Pi Kappa Phi pledge Andrew Coffee last November.
“I believe the suspension was needed to give the campus community a time to reflect,” said Thrasher.
Alcohol remains banned for now, but fraternities and sororities are being allowed to begin recruiting members and restart their philanthropy work, while the school implements new policy changes.
“If they prove to be responsible in implementing these activities we will allow the fraternities and sororities to hold social events later in the semester,” said Thrasher.
If the alcohol ban is lifted, frats will also be limited to four socials with alcohol in the Fall and six in the Spring. 
They’ll have to have police or security present at those parties, and all food and booze will have to be catered. 
Vice President of Student Affairs Amy Hecht says while greeks have voiced opposition to some of the new rules, they’ll have to prove they can behave before any restrictions will be lifted.
“When I talk about what’s safe and healthy and well, I think there’s some disagreement and some of the changes are a big departure,” said Hecht.
Coffee died at an off campus party. University Police say they’re relying on greek leaders to ensure those parties wont happen.
“We don’t have thousands of officers to disseminate around the the community and other places,” said FSU Police Chief David Perry.
Reaction on campus ranged from don’t know, don’t care, to long overdue.
“Like most things i mean there’s like a couple of bad people in it so I think it’s good,” said FSU student Evan Googe.
Greek members will be required to maintain a 2.5 GPA and complete 10 hours of community service each semester. 
A minimum of 75% of the more than 7,000 greeks will also be required to undergo risk management training.

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