State Senators Weigh in on Proposal to Require Charter Schools to Be Shelters for Sate Building Funds
October 11th, 2017 by Jake StofanDurring hurricane Irma most traditional public schools around the state opened their doors to those seeking shelter. Only a select few Public Charter Schools chose to do so.
To put more pressure on Charter Schools to pull their weight during storms Florida Democratic Lawmakers have announced Legislation which would prohibit Charters from receiving state building funds if their facilities aren’t built to shelter standards.
State Senator Bill Montford thinks it’s a good idea.
“Students deserve whether they’re charter schools or not charter schools, they deserve to go to a school that’s structurally sound and meet the same safety standards,” said Sen. Montford.
Republican State Senator Tom Lee says the proposal would put more strain on schools to be built to unnecessarily high standards.
“Let’s have a level playing field. Lets not force the public education system to build schools to standards that add no value. Many of these standards don’t necessarily relate to structural integrity or wind storm capability,” said Sen. Lee.
The Legislation is to be sponsored by House Minority Leader Representative Janet Cruz from Tampa.
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