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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » How FAMU Lowered Crime Despite Being in the County With the Highest Crime Rate in Florida

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How FAMU Lowered Crime Despite Being in the County With the Highest Crime Rate in Florida

June 29th, 2017 by Jake Stofan
Two weeks ago we told you residents in the state Capital were more likely to become victims of a crime than anywhere else in the state. \
Florida A&M University did not return out call that day, but reported crime at FAMU has seen a huge drop.
Crime in Leon County is the highest in the state, but at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, reported crime is the lowest it’s been since at least 2000.
FAMU’s Police Department says being located in an area with high crime rates has it’s challenges.
“By being an open campus, we have traffic coming in and out of our campus all the time,” said Chief Terence Calloway with FAMU PD.
FAMU PD responded to the challenges by increasing police visibility on the campus, and students have taken notice.
“Campus police, every time you need them they’ll be there, trying to help out or do something, trying to help somebody. So I feel like they care more about us than just the general area,” said FAMU student, Devone White.
Along with a visible police presence, FMAU also utilizes security measures, including more than 300 security cameras, blue light stations and text alerts that inform students when crime is occurring around them.
They also have a service that escorts students to make sure they’re not left walking alone at night.
“It eliminates robberies or attempted robberies, attempted what ever it may be. And as the students call it, the FAMU Uber,” said Chief Calloway.
On campus students say they feel safe, but off campus they notice a drastic change.
When students come in for orientation they’re given a lesson on safety tips that apply both on and off campus.
“The police officer, he spoke to us to make sure that we felt safe. He let us know that if we need anything that he’d give us his number and we could call him right away if anything happened,” said FAMU student, Electra Duchemin.
FAMU PD says there’s still work to be done, but for now Chief Calloway says for the most part what goes on at campus doesn’t reflect what surrounding statistics imply.
FAMU PD’s total reported crimes dropped by nearly 50% between 2015 and 2016.

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