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April 12th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

Wednesday will mark the first time every member of the State House will cast a vote on ending millions in economic incentives sought by the Governor. Rick Scott has made it almost his singular job to save the incentives.

On the opening day of the legislative session, Rick Scott spent most of his State of the State address pleading with lawmakers not to end his jobs incentives agency.

“Ket’s remember, we’re talking about people’s jobs” Scott reminded lawmakers.

In the four weeks since the session began, Scott has made more than two dozen trips, crisscrossing the state talk about jobs. This is what he had to say in Pensacola last Friday.

“And it would be completely shut down. And here’s what’s frustrating, Your House members have done it.”

On the eve of the first vote, Scott was more subdued than usual about the outcome.

“So we’ve got four weeks of session.I’m optimistic that at the end of session when I get the budget it will fully fund Enterprise and Visit Florida” Scott told reporters after the Cabinet meeting.

The Governor’s success is part of his problem.

“Wages are continuing to rise all across the state.”

Florida has crated more than 50 thousand jobs since the year began…all without incentives.

And when the House cases its first votes on Wednesday, we’ll know if the Governor’s frequent trips have had any impact at all.

House Speaker Richard Corcoran has been leading the charge against incentive funding.
“I think where the members are, they’ve researched it, they know exactly what they were voting for, and exactly how they were voting, and I think they are very confident that what we are ding is stopping the waste of taxpayer money and picking winners and losers that don’t deliver on jobs, and don’t deliver on the capital investments” says Corcoran.

The Senate so far has been siding with the Governor, but after this week, the horse trading begins and everything is on the table,

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