Death penalty fix sent to Governor
March 10th, 2017 by Mike VasilindaThe first major bill of the 2017 legislative session is on its way to the Governor. The Florida House voted 112-3 to require unanimous jury verdicts in death cases. The legislation was necessary after the Florida Supreme Court ruled last years 10-2 jury legislation was unconstitutional. Rep. Joe Geller of Dania Beach was one of the three no votes.
“I think we have a right to be protected against these monster” proclaimed Geller. “I think we have a right not to have them roaming our streets but I don’t think it is something that the state should do I think it’s wrong and I’m going to vote against this bill because I am against the death penalty.
Even when signed, executions may not resume any time soon. Even sponsors of the legislation say a Supreme Court decision requiring some people to get new sentencing hearings but not others based on when their sentence was final is confusing and open to challenge.
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