Seminole Gaming Compact Opponents Voice Concerns
December 18th, 2008 by flanewsOpponents of expanded gambling in the Seminole Tribe’s casinos are coming out in numbers.
Thursday lawmakers began discussing a new deal to allow the tribe to continue playing blackjack and other Vegas-style games. A new compact could generate as much as 300 million dollars for the state. Christian and family groups say if lawmakers approve the games if could cause more harm than good.
“For us it always go back to holding the line, because what happens is every time you give an inch, there’s another inch. There’s always a fairness issue. There’s always another imbalance issue,” said Dennis Baxley with the Christian Coalition of Florida.
Gulf Stream Park Racing Association filed a complaint with the Florida Supreme Court today asking the court to stop the tribe from hosting blackjack and Vegas slots. Governor Charlie Crist said lawmakers need to form a new compact soon.
“The only concern I have is that if we don’t move in that direction, our friends on the federal level may allow that to happen anyway, and Florida taxpayers wouldn’t be able to benefit from it. I am encouraging that and whether its during January or March, I think the sooner than better if possible,” said Crist.
The Attorney General renewed his call for an end to the gaming. The AG sent a letter to the US Attorney in the Florida’ Middle District asking for his help to stop the tribe.
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