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Zika and Abortion

August 8th, 2016 by flanews

The birth defects linked to the Zika virus has opened the door for a new abortion battle  here in the state. As Matt Galka tells us, many aren’t changing their stances.

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55 pregnant women in Florida have tested positive for Zika so far.  The virus has been linked to birth defects in children…forcing some infected women to face a difficult choice of whether or not to go through with the pregnancy.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio told Politico this past weekend he’s still against abortion even if the woman seeking one is infected with Zika.  Planned Parenthood strongly disagreed.

“Truly the comments are so reflective of how out of touch and extreme Senator Rubio on abortion and women’s health issues,” said Kim Diaz.

The women’s health group and abortion provider says women need all options available to them if they’ve been diagnosed with the virus.

“We are hoping that we can see the need for Zika, how we can properly resond to Zika, is for a full access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare services,” said Diaz.

The prolife Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops is siding with the senator.

Ingrid Delgado with the Conference says that giving up a pregnancy shouldn’t be the answer even if there’s the potential for health conditions.

“We know that being diagnosed with Zika can be traumatic, especially for a woman who is pregnant, however an adverse fetal diagnosis should not be a death sentence for that baby,” she said.

The state’s Department of Health offers free Zika testing for pregnant women at county health departments. The Centers for Disease Control recommends any pregnant woman who traveled to the Wynwood area of Miami since mid-June get tested.

The Governor’s office responded to us in a statement that read in part “Governor Scott is pro-life and believes firmly in the sanctity of life. His view on this has not changed.” He’s urging pregnant women to contact their OB/GYN for Zika prevention kits.

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