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Blood Donation Centers Swamped After Orlando Mass Shooting

June 13th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

An outpouring of support from blood donors across the state has more than met the need crated by the tragedy in Orlando and replenished blood supplies across the state. As Mike Vasilinda tells, blood banks are saying thanks, but please come back later.

This Tallahassee blood bank was already scheduled to be open Sunday. But it had to call in additional staff to handle the wave of donors who showed up. One of them was  Karen Woodall.

“My heart hurts over what happened and its something tangible. One small thing that will hopefully help” she told us.

“They turned us away” said one couple in the parking lot,

But everyone was  asked to come back to help meet an ongoing need. Laura Green signed up to come back another day.

“It could happen anywhere, anywhere, and it;s something small just about all of us can all do” says Green.

Matthea Gans settled in with a good book for what would be a 90 minute procedure.

“Even if the people in Orlando don’t need it now, they do really need to replenish their supply.”

OneBlood operates more than 200 donation centers and big red bus mobile donation units across the state. Jeanne Dariotis says the need is almost always greater than the supply, except today.

“It is the blood on the shelves that saves lives and people need to give blood every single day of the week to make sure we all have enough to save us when we need it” says Dariotis.

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