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Capitol Crisis Training

May 17th, 2016 by flanews

What if the Florida Captiol was an active shooting scene? As Matt Galka tells us, police are practicing this evening for a potential threat.

A heavy police presence swarms Florida’s Capitol. Reports of multiple active shooters and there are already victims. Thankfully, it’s only a drill.

 The exercise, called Capitol Crisis, was meant to test the readiness of local, state, and federal officials just in case the worst case scenario happens.

“Working together is our mission to prevent terrorism, prepare response efforts, respond immediately, and quickly, and restore our way of life in the event of a terrorist attack,” said SAC Mark Perez with FDLE.

The scenario just about as real as it gets with officers from different agencies responding to the capitol and spent ammunition rounds on the ground. Law enforcement had to work together in order to stop multiple active shooter scenarios throughout the entire building.

Officials know the Capitol can be viewed as a target.

“Even though, when session is not in, there are still state workers here, conducting state business. So this is a vital, what we refer to as an infrasctucture that is very important to us. It’s a government building that represents our state,” said Perez.

State employees were sent home well before the exercise began. It goes until 11 p.m. Monday night. The exercise was made possible by federal grant money.

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