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Big Week for Marijuana

March 24th, 2016 by flanews

This week could prove to be big for marijuana policy throughout the state.  As Matt Galka tells us, a major city (Tampa) decriminalized small amounts of possession in the same week the state is set to expand medical marijuana laws.

Tampa became the latest in a handful of Florida cities to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana this week.

Governor Rick Scott said he wasn’t familiar with everything Tampa was doing, but he still has concerns about drug use

“We want to be careful, I have a brother who has had significant issues with drug use so I’m very cautious and it really concerns me when we see increased drug use, whether its marijuana or other drugs,” said Gov. Scott.

But Scott has his own marijuana decision to make this week. The Governor has until Friday to sign a bill that allows terminally ill patients in Florida to try medical marijuana at the end of their lives.

The legislature passed the bill with bipartisan support.

“We’re reviwing it, we’ll make a decision,” said Scott.

Medical Marijuana advocate Jeff Sharkey says everything is trending in the right direction for supporters of the drug.

“Giving people who are in the last stages of their life the opportunity to alleviate pain, alleviate suffering, rest comfortably was really important, I think that addition to the bill was a very compassionate activity,” said Sharkey.

Sharkey and other supporters speculate it all adds up to good things in November when  Floridians vote on a full blown medical marijuana amendment.

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