Local School Taxes Not Increasing
March 4th, 2016 by Mike VasilindaProperty owners in Florida pay just under five dollars in school taxes for every thousand dollar valuation of their property. The number could go down by thirty or forty cents next year after a furor over proposed corporate tax breaks. Lawmakers responded by cutting corporate breaks in half and now shifting higher school funding costs to local property owners. Sen. Tom Lee is the Senate Budget Chairman.
“There’s people alleging the state hasn’t done it’s fair share in education,. This was an opportunity for us to step up and buy out some of that local contribution, so we drove about 290 million dollars of our tax cut package through the FEFP to reduce taxes at the local level” says Lee.
The FEFp is the states school funding formula. Without the change, property owners would have seen their tax bill for school rise because their homes are increasing in value in an improving economy.
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