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Economic Incentives Face Rocky Road

February 23rd, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida lawmakers spent two hours today debating reforms to the program that gives businesses cash and tax incentives to move to the state. It is the top priority of the Governor, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, in the end, the Governor may not get the money he is seeking.

Governor Rick Scott has been almost singleminded in what he wants from lawmakers this year.

“Attract businesses to move to Florida, start and grow here” says a TV spot Governor Rick Scott’s Let’s Get to Work Committee is running statewide.

The Governor’s plan is under attack from the right. This ad from Americans for Prosperity hit the web this week.

“They say the plan will diversity the economy, but all they’re doing is taking money from Florida families and businesses”

And the plan is being  attacked from the left as Democrats seek to bring more accountability to corporate incentives. Rep.David Richardson (D-Miami) says Enterprise Florida, the states economic development arm has problems.  “Enterprise Florida CEO has no been spending your money and my money wisely.”

While giving tentative approval to tighter rules for giving tax incentives, the State House has so far funded the program at zero.

“It provides no dollar allocation in this bill for any part of this program” says State Rep. Boyd, who handled the bill on the House Floor.

Governor Rick Scott has begun calling lawmakers into his office to tell them what he wants. They aren’t saying if he’;s making threats, but they are

n’t giving him what he wants yet.

The Senate is leaning toward the 250 million Rick Scott wants, but it is bucking him on his tax cut package. Senate Appropriations Chair Tom Lee says it’s too early to say the job won;t get done.

“That has been a sticking point, no question about it., as are the level of tax cuts and some of the funding priorities. .But  it’s just too soon to declare that we’re at some sort of an impasse” says Lee.

And the clock is ticking. Lawmakers must have a final budget in two weeks or face costly overtime.

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