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FSU One Year Later: Paralyzed Victim Still Recovering

November 20th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Just after midnight tonight (Thur)marks the one year anniversary of an on campus shooting. 22 year old FSU engineering student Ronny Ahmed was paralyzed from the waist down last November. As Mike Vasilinda tells us the  now wheelchair bound student hasn’t let his injuries keep him from moving forward.

Ronny Ahmed was pulling an all nighter at Strozier Library last November. Two hours into it, he took a break.

“I saw his really really stern face. When someone like that’s holding a gun, it’s not going to end well” were his first thoughts.

The first shot dropped him to the ground, paralyzing him instantly.  The second shattered his arm. He actually hung up his 9-1-1 call so he could talk to his mom.

“Because there was a part of me that wasn’t exactly sure how everything was going to pan out.”

Waking up in the hospital the next day, he made the decision not to give up.

“Even though it sucks. Even though it;’s unfair, there’s no reason to sit her and constantly cry about it.”

In June, he skydived for the fist time.

“that was amazing” he says in the video posted on his Facebook page.

And he has taken up scuba diving.

“I really don’t have any pain I have to deal with when I’m scuba diving, which is really nice.”

Ronny plans on getting a Ph.D. In biomedical engineering and predicts he’ll walk again.

“Technology progresses incredible fast, so I have no doubt that I will be walking fairly soon.”

And Ronny echoed what other victims told us this past week. The library is a good place and no one should be afraid to come here.

He says he has no feelings on way or the other about his attacker.

“It sucks what he did, and he shouldn’t have done it, but at the end of the day, I’m here and he’s not.”

“Both the bullets are still inside of me” he says pointing to a scar from an entry wound.

Thankful to be alive, he has gotten tattoos showing where he was shot…including one of the bullet still lodged next to his heart.

Ronny says stronger background checks are needed to keep the mentally ill from buying guns and says after exhibiting signs of mental problems, his attackers weapons should have been taken away.

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