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Cops Turned Lawmakers Say ‘No’ to Gun Bills

November 3rd, 2015 by flanews

Two controversial gun bills moving through Florida’s legislative process have ruffled the feathers of some police officers around the state. As Matt Galka tells us, law enforcement officers turned legislators are speaking out.

Florida could be getting a lot more gun friendly.  Two bills, one allowing concealed carry permitters to openly carry, and another allowing those same license holders to pack heat on college campuses, have been making waves throughout the Capitol.

But a group of Democrats and police officers aren’t happy. Four former law enforcement officers who are now state legislators say both bills will create a dangerous situation for residents.

“We’d be in a situation where a student on one of our universities or colleges could literally walk down the center of that campus with a gun in their hand and it would be perfectly lawful,” said Rep. Dave Kerner (D-Lake Worth).

“As a cop, would you want to go to a scene, where you have a suspect who had a gun shooting, and you have 30 or 40 other people with a gun on their hip,” added Alachua Democrat Clovis Watson.

The bill’s supporters say that opposition is based on ‘what-if’ scenarios.

St. Petersburg Democrat Dwight Dudley says there’s no outcry for college students to carry weapons.

“We keep promoting and fostering the gunshine state instead of the sunshine state, people come here for the sunshine not the gunshine,” said Rep. Dudley.

The bills also have stiff opposition from the Florida Fraternal Order of Police.

“Hours and hours of training and weapons retention that the public doesn’t have, I think it just puts guns in the wrong hands,” said FOP President Jim Preston.

Both the open carry bill and and guns on campus bill have already cleared some early committees.

The guns on campus bill will be heard in its second House committee Wednesday morning at 8 am.

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