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Lawyer Up: Obama Camp Watching Florida Polls

October 7th, 2008 by flanews

Florida’s No Match, No Vote law continues to be controversial. As Whitney Ray tells us, the Obama Campaign will have extra eyes on Florida polling sites looking for voters not being allowed to cast a traditional ballot because of problems with their identification.

Hear it Here: Lawyer Up: Obama Camp Watching Florida Polls

This year Qua-Aisa Blackmon will cast a ballot for president for the first time in her life.

“It seems there’s a lot riding on it with the war and the quote unquote recession,” said Qua-Aisa.

Because of a new restriction, if there is a typo in Qua-Aisa voter registration form, she’ll have to cast a provisional ballot, and come back with in two days to verify her ID.

“That doesn’t really seem fair,” said Qua-Aisa.

The Obama Campaign will have people at the polls to help people who cast provisional ballots because of the No Match No Vote law.

“We’re going to make sure that everybody who wants an opportunity to vote in this historic election has an opportunity,” said Kevin Cate, the Regional Communications Director for the North Florida Obama Campaign.

The Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida sent a letter to the Florida Democrats asking them not “assist” voters at the polls, warning them about state laws concerning poll watchers.”

State law will allow a campaign to have one poll watcher at every precinct, but they have to follow strict guidelines.

“The poll watcher is not allowed to interfere or solicit votes before the vote. Now they can talk to them afterwards but it has to be after the vote has been cast,” said Jennifer Davis, a spokeswoman for the Secretary of State.

In a close election the decision could rest on provisional ballots. The state’s Division of Elections is working overtime to catch typos in new registration forms. If information on a registration application doesn’t match the state database, a letter is sent to the applicant asking them to fix the problem before Election Day.

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