New Environmental Rules
August 3rd, 2015 by flanewsThe President announced a new rule Monday set at cutting into greenhouse gasses that experts say are helping to cause climate change. As Matt Galka tells us, environmentalists in the state are praising the effort.
Florida will have to continue to cut down on greenhouse gasses under a new federal plan released Monday.
The President and Environmental Protection Agency hope the Clean Power Plan cuts carbon emissions by 32 percent in the next 15 years
Environmentalist Eric Draper says action against climate change – a heavily debated topic experts say is causing water to rise – is needed now.
“Climate change threatens us so significantly because we’re a low lying state and sea level rise is going to do some significant damage to Florida. The good news is that Florida is ready for this plan, already our utilities have done a good job of cleaning out our carbon impacts on the environment,” he said.
Earth Justice environmental attorney Bradley Marshall says the plan is an opportunity for Florida to embrace cleaner energy solutions. The federal plan offers credits to states using renewable resources.
“Here in Florida we’re hoping that this will open the state to solar finally. This is the sunshine state, and we hope that this means Florida can finally live up to its name,” said Marshall.
A new report says Florida has the most to lose when it comes to climate change.
The Risky Business economic report on climate change says Florida already has $69 billion dollars worth of coastal property at risk. A number that could balloon to $152 billion in the next 35 years.
The rule is already receiving criticism and is expected to be challenged in court.
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