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No More Quotas

July 2nd, 2015 by flanews

If you’ve ever seen what seems like a lot of cops going after speeders on a drive and said to yourself “I guess they have to meet their quota,” you can worry a little less now. AS Matt Galka tells us, a new law cracks down on quotas.

Juanita Boykin and her husband were on their way to Louisiana when we caught up with them at a rest stop on I-10.  She says they’re always aware of cops around holidays.

“I know they’re ready for us (laughs) speed devils,” she said.

While there are plenty of drivers out there who probably think law enforcement is trying to meet a certain number of tickets written every month, a new Florida law is a quota crackdown. It outlaws all law enforcement quotas and went into effect July 1st.


The law was inspired by a small North Florida town once considered one of the country’s worst speed traps

The Waldo Police Department was notorious for tickets.  Nearly half of the city’s revenue was coming from traffic tickets on U.S. 301. Triple A was even warning drivers to avoid the trap.

“When the people found out about it, they were upset, a lot of people were upset,” said Sen. Rob Bradley (R-Orange Park) the bill’s sponsor.

The new law outlaws all ticket quota systems at a state and local level, and requires local law enforcement to report revenues to the state.

“We don’t need to be in the law enforcement business because all we’re doing is just pulling people over and giving them tickets in order to support the operations of the law enforcement,” said Sen. Bradley.

Waldo police officers disclosed a ticket quota system last year for the busy road of U.S. 301. The Waldo police department disbanded in the fallout from the story.

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