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Starting a Campaign?

June 26th, 2015 by flanews

It’s early, but many say that Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn is planting the seeds for a 2018 run at the Governor’s office – and could be the Democrats best hope to resurrect the party. Matt Galka was there as Buckhorn addressed a political club in the state capital.

A familiar name in Tampa made his way to Florida’s Capital Friday. Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn spoke to Tallahassee’s Tiger Bay Club. Some say he’s testing the waters for a 2018 run for Governor.  He touted his city’s growth and gave Rick Scott a little credit.

“The one thing I am appreciative of to this Governor is that in his list of vetoes, he did not veto the move of the University of South Florida’s Medical School into Downtown Tampa,” he said to the crowd of about 100.

He also said the state deserves better.  Longtime lobbyist Barney Bishop says we’re looking at a legitimate candidate.

“I think that somebody who has grown a city economically and through diversity has a tremendous message to sell to the other people of Florida,” said Bishop.a

Many in attendance say the events are a way for Buckhorn to introduce himself statewide.

Former State Representative Curtis Richardson says he’s followed Buckhorn’s career from afar.


“So anything you can do when you’re looking at running statewide office to grow your name recognition, to get to know the different regions of the state without having to pay for it is a good thing,” he said.

Buckhorn didn’t rule anything out.

“Clearly there will be an open seat, I think clearly the state is ready for a different model of governance,” said Buckhorn.

He even increased speculation with a story about his nine year old daughter.

“She says Daddy I am not moving, you, Daddy, can commute,” said Buckhorn with a laugh.

One things for certain: he’ll be commuting to more speaking engagements throughout the summer.

There’s some political significance to speaking at the Tiger Bay Club in Tallahassee. When current Governor Rick Scott was an unknown candidate in June of 2010, he qualified for the Republican primary and, just hours later, spoke at the same club.

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