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House Approves Online Voter Registration

April 28th, 2015 by flanews

The biggest news out of the Florida Capitol today was the House calling it quits three days early, but before they did, they managed to get some work done. As Matt Galka tells us, the chamber passed an online voter registration bill – without support of the Governor’s top elections official.

Online voter registration could be coming to the state in 2017.  The proposal is designed to make it easier for Floridians to cast their ballot.  A funding issue had temporarily held up the bill in the Florida House…and Representative Dwight Dudley said a Cyber Security amendment Tuesday was an attempt to kill it.

“The measures in this bill, this is not a beneficial thing for voters in the state of Florida,” said Rep. Dudley (D-St. Petersburg).

Rep. Jamie Grant (R-Tampa) had sponsored the security amendment and went on the defensive.

“We oughta be talking about how to publish the data, open source it, and get this right. So the extent that someone would say that an amendment to try and kill this bill to make it better is an attempt to kill it is just a patent lie,” he said.

The Secretary of State had strongly opposed the bill in all of its committee stops had led some to believe the Governor could ultimately veto it.

The Governor’s top elections official said he was worried that his staff would be bogged down implementing the new system.

Senate sponsor Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth) said they tried to address every concern.

“You’re always worried about a veto, that’s the Governor’s prerogative, but I think we’ve answered all the concerns that the Governor has had. Other state’s have done this in a lot less time, we’re giving them two and a half years to put a system together,” said Sen. Clemens.

With the House done for the rest of session, the Senate will need to pass the bill as is…or the bill will die before giving the Governor a chance to do anything.

The Governor hasn’t indicated whether or not he’d sign the bill, but if he vetoes it, lawmakers could override it. The bill is also an attempt to help military members overseas sign up to vote.

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