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Rachel’s Law Revisions

March 23rd, 2015 by flanews

It was the first law in the country passed to protect confidential informants being used by police, but as Matt Galka tells us, the family of the murdered girl the law was named for is back this year trying to strengthen it.

Rachel Hoffman was only 23 and had recently graduated from Florida State when she was murdered will working as a confidential informant for the Tallahassee police.  She was doing the work in exchange for leniency on a marijuana and prescription pill charge.

Hoffman was killed while attempting to buy drugs and a gun from two men in the 2008 sting operation. She had virtually no training and hadn’t been able to consult with anyone before agreeing.

Her father, Irv, and their attorney Lance Block are back at the Capitol trying to strengthen Rachel’s Law.  Put into effect in 2009, the family says the bill didn’t go far enough.

“Rachel was not suitable to be a confidential informant, she broke almost all the guidelines of being a confidential informant,” said Irv Hoffman.

Rachel was in a court ordered program which forbade her from being around drugs even though she was sent out to buy them.

“Sending them out there to do police work is wrong, you wouldn’t send alcoholic into a bar for help so why would you send a person with an addiction problem to buy drugs,” said Hoffman.

The proposed revisions to the law include putting in more safeguards for confidential informants as well as prohibiting minors in taking part. Any law enforcement violating the provisions could be faced with a felony.

Attorney Lance Block said annual reports from police departments about informant data are also necessary.

“Most importantly, we don’t know how many people are being killed or hurt while being involved in these types of transactions,” said Block.

FDLE would required to put out an annual report if the changes to the law pass.

Informants would no longer be able to go undercover to buy drugs if they’re involved in a drug treatment program. They would also be allowed to speak with a lawyer before agreeing to do the police work.

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