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Guns in Schools Clears House Committee

March 11th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Local school districts may soon be able to decide if they want armed employees at elementary, middle and high schoolsin Florida. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, as controversial as the idea has been since Sandy Hook, no school organization spoke against the bill.

Since Sandy Hook, the call has been to arm teachers, principals and even maintenance and  cafeteria workers. Legislation allowing just that is back before lawmakers for the third year. Sponsor Greg Stube of Sarasota told his collegues that  bill now requires far more training than every before.

“All these people would have to go through background checks, all these people would be required, if they are requested, to go through mental health screenings. They would have to go through a rigorous training.”

No one from the public spoke against the bill. In part because it is now voluntary, not mandatory that district arm people in schools. Rep. Joe Geller was the only no vote. He worries about mental health screening.

“I don’t think an American sniper approach is the way to protect our kids” Geller said in committee, Later he elaborated.

“We need a trained, sworn law enforcement officer at every school in the state.

Afterwards teacher Joy Jackson from Miami Dade thanked Geller for voting no.

“Its so imperative that we have more men like you”

We asked her why.

“Because guns and schools and our children do not mix. We do not want someone that may be trained and maybe not trained to the fullest” she responded.

Hillsborough County Schools lobbyist Connie Milito says districts opposed the bill last year.  “Our board hasn’t taken a formal action, but generally we don’t think its a good idea” says Milito.

“Rural districts are expected to be much more receptive than urban districts.

Thats because urban districts generally have more money for school resource officers.

The lack of opposition doesn’t mean everyone is embracing the idea. Some suggest allowing guns at schools will raise the cost of liability insurance.

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