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Backpacks and Bullets

March 9th, 2015 by flanews

Six bills in the Florida legislature would loosen up some gun restrictions in school and emergency scenarios. As Matt Galka tells us, a group of concerned parents, students, and faculty took to the Capitol today to try and convince lawmakers otherwise.

The message from the coalition of about three dozen parents, faculty, and students was clear.

“Bullets and backpacks do not mix,” said Chryl Anderson, the leader for the Florida chapter of Moms Demand Action.

The group doesn’t want guns anywhere near college campuses or public grade schools.

Richard Martinez returned to the capitol for the second time. His 20 year old son, Christopher, was gunned down in a killing spree near UC Santa Barbara’s campus last May.

“This solution to putting more guns out there is a solution from the 1800’s. Not the 21st century in the United States of America,” he said.

University of Florida sophomore Natalia Perez Santos says she doesn’t buy into claims that allowing concealed guns on college campuses could potentially stop sexual assaults.

“It’d just be really dangerous having people walking around with guns in all of these situations, because you can’t guarantee who’s going to be the one holding it,” she said.

University police chiefs say they fear potential consequences if the campus carry bill were to pass.

“Anytime you put guns in a scenario on our campuses, it creates a problem for the police department. We don’t know who has a gun,” said FAMU police chief Terence Calloway.

The National Rifle Association says the bad guys are carrying guns no matter what.  This would just help secure some of the good guys.

“9 other states allow guns on campus and they don’t have any problems, in fact in some of those areas the crime rate on campus dropped,” said lobbyist Marion Hammer.

The anti-gun group recently launched an ad that will air until the end of this week urging the legislature to oppose the guns on school campus bills.

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