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Water Policy Takes A Step Forward in Florida

February 11th, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Water Policy in Florida took a step forward at the state Capitol today, and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, the legislation makes it clear that money set aside by voters in  Amendment One will not be used to repair local water supply and sewer pipes.

Wakulla Springs in North Florida hasn’t been able to run glass bottom boat tours for more than a year….and only sporadically over the last few years, all because the once pristine spring just isn’t clear enough.,

“The Sierra Club wants this bill to work” said lobbyist Dave Cullen.

The House State Affairs Committee took a step forward at solving the problem at Wakulla and other springs. It passed the first comprehensive water policy legislation in years. House Democratic Leader Mark Pafford says lawmakers have a great opportunity to do something meaningful. “We’ve got oysters that are dying, springs that are suffering, a Kissimmee River basin that needs more help.”

The legislation doesn’t put a cost on the water cleanup regulations, and that is concerning to environmentalists who pushed Amendment one to set aside millions for land and water conservation. Janet Bowman represents the Nature Conservancy.  “Certainly, springs protection the last couple years, while the legislature provided additional funding, its been very incremental and really inadequate to get the job done, so I’m confident that progress will be made” says Bowman.

Since November, some lawmakers have pushed the idea of using conservation money to repair leaky sewer and pipes. The legislation approved Wednesday says no to state money for leaky pipes, which pleases Audubon Florida’s Eric Draper. “This bill does not transfer to the state the responsibility for waste water and storm water and says those are going to be local responsibilities.”

The multi million dollar question on how much Florida is going to be  willing to spend on cleanup and conservation won’t be know for months, but there is general agreement the first step is a positive one.

One of the major differences from what passed today and previous efforts is that today’s legislation takes a statewide view of water needs where past efforts have focused on individual problem areas.

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