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Satanic Temple Display Spoofs Nativity Scenes

December 22nd, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

An angel falling from heaven has replaced a nativity scene in the state Capitol. The display from the Satanic temple was originally turned down after being deemed “grossly offensive. It went up Monday after some legal maneuvering.

School children ushered in a nativity display to the state Capitol last week. No sooner was it dismantled Monday, than the Satanic Temple was signing another tune.

“Right here” pointed John Porgal. Organizers sought to install their display in the exact same spot and got flack from building managers. Tom Berger from the Department of Mgmt. Services wanted the display against a pillar. “We ask you very politely to set your display right here.” said Berger.

Porgal responded:  “It’s going right where the manger scene was! You got a problem with that, call your boss.”

They prevailed. The depiction of an angel falling from heaven is a protest says Porgal.  “There’s no real significance to it, it’s just a display we put up to counter act the nativity scene.”

Q:”so, you are not a devil worshiper?”


In addition to the fallen angel, A menorah is on display, as is a new, more low key picture of the nativity.

For two years running, the state said no to this display. Then the lawyers got involved. And they said if you’re going to have this, you are going to have this, and here it is.

Pam Olson of the Florida Prayer Network doesn’t like the Satanic Display, but …“We have freedom here, and thank god we do have that. So he can spoof all he wants, but the reality is…Merry Christmas.”

The displays come down next Monday…but the Capitol will be closed Wednesday evening through the weekend, giving little visibility to the alternate ideas that are on display.

The Satanic Temple says it did offer to abandon the display if organizers of the nativity scene displays agreed not to show the Christian scenes. A total of 8 displays will have been up this holiday season, with all but 2 aiming to spoof the nativity scene and the government that organizers say blurred the line between church and state.


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