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Florida 2nd in school shootings since Newtown

December 11th, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Saturday is the second anniversary of the deaths of 20 students and six teachers at Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown Conn. A new report says Nationwide, there have been 95 shootings on schools since Sandy Hook, and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, 8 of them have been here in Florida.


The report from gun control group Everytown,says Florida’s 8 school shootings since Sandy Hook, ranked the state second in the nation, behind only Georgia with 10.

The shooting at FSU has revived legislative efforts to allow licensed students and faculty to carry concealed weapons on campus. The NRA ‘s Marion Hammer says the Constitution doesn’t exclude college campuses from the right to bear arms. “And we have a very strong constitutional right to self defense. Both rights are being denied if you set foot on a college campus.”

The idea for concealed carry on campuses was first floated in 2011. FSU Police Chief David Perry says concealed carry could create chaos at crime scenes. “The dilemma it places our officers in, having to determine who is our aggressor, who is our assailant, and who are people trying to help. So it’s not the appropriate environment for additional weapons.”

Not only are University police chiefs opposed to faculty and staff carrying concealed weapons, they’d like to get rid of a current provision that allows guns inside cars on campus.

4 people died in the eight Florida school campus shootings. One was a suicide. Police shot and killed the assailant in the FSU library shooting.

When FSU’s new President was a member of the Legislature in 2011, he supported concealed carry on campuses until a constituents daughter died in a gun accident at FSU. Former State Senator and current FSU President John Thrasher declined to be interviewed for this story.


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