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Bondi Mum on Gay Marriage

December 9th, 2014 by flanews

Will Florida’s Attorney General continue to fight same sex marriage? As Matt Galka tells us, with a date set for gay marriage licenses to be handed out, that question remains unanswered.

If Florida’s Attorney General has an opinion on gay marriage licenses being handed out January 6th, she’s not saying yet.

“We’re reviewing the ruling,” said Pam Bondi after the cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

Bondi has fought to keep the ban in place because she says she needs to honor the state’s constitution. We pressed her on her answer following Tuesday’s meeting. She told us two more times they were reviewing the ruling.

A federal ruling that would overturn the ban statewide was handed down in August but a stay was placed on it until January.  Bondi had asked for an extension on the stay which wasn’t granted.

County clerks are trying to figure out if they can even hand the licenses out. Clerks of court were told over the summer that only clerks in counties that have had the ban overturned would be allowed to grant licenses. That was before a statewide ruling was made.

The American Civil Liberties Union helped file the federal lawsuit that threw out the gay marriage ban.

“They can’t enforce a law that’s unconstitutional,” said Baylor Johnson with ACLU.

In a statement, a spokesman for the Florida Association of Court Clerks told us “they just want to make sure they’re following the law.” Barring a last minute change, same sex couples can start getting their marriage licenses on January 6th.

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