Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection
December 15th, 2006 by Mike VasilindaGovernor Jeb Bush want to know more about lethal injections. By executive order, he has created the Commission on Administration of Lethal Injection. The Commission is in addition to a review team appointed by Corrections Secretary Jim Mc Donough. In a news release, Bush is quoted as saying “The team assembled by Department of Corrections Secretary Jim McDonough continues to conduct a thorough process review of the execution of Angel Diaz. All facts and information gathered by the team will be presented to the Commission.
“The Commission will be comprised of appointments made by my office, the Attorney General, the Senate President, the Speaker of the House and the Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court. These appointees will represent a cross-section of the scientific, medical, law enforcement and legal communities.”
Bush set a time line of a final report due by March 1, 2007 and has suspended executions until the report is finalized. In reality, he leaves office January 2nd.
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