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Energy Conservation Showdown

July 21st, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Once every five years, regulators set conservation goals for Florida utilities. This year, the companies are asking to have their conservation goals reduced. The move has angered conservationists,  and hundreds of them showed up at the Public Service Commission on Monday.

Mary Sheppard came from Bradenton.We asked why?

“Because I like clean air” she told us.

Mary was joined by a hundred or so others who chanted “clean energy now” and who want Florida utilities to conserver more and offer more conservation programs…Instead, the utilities are seeking to cut conservation by 90 percent or more.Retired Air Force officer Neil Cosentino of Tampa says its all about money. “A for profit power station or company makes money by making more power. Our whole theme is to reduce power.”

State Representative Dwight Dudley says Florida energy policy is in the stone age. “We know what the game is. It’s a simple game. They’re trying to take more money from us” Dudley told the crowd.

The Sierra Club sponsored the rally and is running television in two Florida Markets.

A portion of the ad encourages listeners to “Tell the Public Service Commission to protect consumers, not big power companies.”

But customers who want more conservation can’t tell the Public Service Commission their feelings. They can sit and listen, but they can’t speak.

We asked PSC Chairman Art Graham why they can’t speak. He told us “They can speak all they want.”

Q: “They’re not being allowed to testify.”

“They’re more than welcome to send written comments in.”

Q: “But that’s not the same as looking you in the eye and saying this is what we want.”

“They’re more than welcome to send in written testimony.”

The hearings continue through Wednesday, with a decision on conservation coming later this fall.

In Florida, regulated power companies are guaranteed a ten percent profit on every dollar they spend generating energy.


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