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Scott vs. The Scientists

July 17th, 2014 by flanews

The Governor is being called out by environmental academics over his stance on climate change. As Matt Galka tells us, Rick Scott likes to say he’s not a scientist, but some actual scientists want to have a little chat.

“I’m not a scientist.”

Those four words have been defining Rick Scott’s stance on climate change lately. While the Governor is hesitant to address the issue head on, 10 scientists from around the state say they have all the facts he needs.

Dr. Jeff Chanton, an oceanography professor at Florida State, is one of 10 scientists from universities around Florida asking for the Governor’s ear to tutor him about man made climate change. He says there’s no doubt humans are causing temperatures to rise.

“I’ve been teaching this for 25 years, I think I can do a pretty good job of getting this idea across to just about anybody, so I think if he would just give us some time and listen, he’d come away with a pretty good idea of why we think this is so important,” said Chanton.

Chanton hand delivered a letter from scientists across the state to the Governor’s office earlier this week. The letter notes that “Florida is one of the most vulnerable places in the country in respect to climate change.”

The state also needs to figure out how to reduce carbon emissions from powerplants by 38%. A federal mandate asking for the reduction came down in early June. Environmental attorney group Earth Justice is still waiting to hear something from the Governor’s office.

“The Scott administration has been climate change deniers, and you see that policy reflected in a complete disregard of the issue in every aspect of their policies and their regulations,” said Managing Attorney David Guest.

The state has a 2030 deadline to reach the 38 percent carbon emission reduction. Governor Rick Scott said his administration would be happy to meet with the 10 scientists, but Dr. Chanton says they’d prefer to meet with him personally, and not just someone in his office.

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