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Quirky Candidates Run for Governor

July 9th, 2014 by Mike Vasilinda

Some politicians are household names, but nine people paid thousands of dollars to run for Governor, so we send Mike Vasilinda to find out what drives totally unknown people to run for the state’s highest office.

Florida’s current Governor enjoys virtually 100% name id…thanks to lots of face time on TV “We made a good start, but there’s more work to do,” chimes one of the latest. Ditto for his main rival, but then, he had the job before.

“I’ll fight for you.” Responds Charlie Crist in his first ad of the political season.

Nan Rich is the only other Democrat running and she’s got virtually no name ID.

In August, voters will see three names on the GOP ballot for Governor: Rick Scott, Elizabeth Cuevas-Neuunder, and Yinka Adeshina..maybe…the latter Adeshina had suspicious campaign filings. One shows a bank balance of just over 8 thousand, But her finance reports, before she stopped filing them, says she’s raised almost two hundred thousand. We asked the Secretary of State about the discrepancy. “For me to make any specific comments about that case would be, I think, premature, and inappropriate.” We asked: “So it is under review? “Ah, yes, it’s under review”

We went to Adeshina’s home, but no on answered the door and it was quiet inside, but we did talk to a political scientist Carol Weissert about why people, particularly unknown people, run for Governor. “There may be people who just want to see their name on the ballot. It’s easy to get on the ballot. You can say you ran for office. They’re not…History would tell us they’re probably not going to win” says Weissert who also adds they may just want to make a difference.

Once thee dust settles in August, there will still be four virtual unknowns who paid more than 5 thousand each to be on the November ballot.  And then there is Monroe Lee running as a write-in for Governor.

“Second time around.” he proudly told us the day he filed his paperwork.

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The Secretary of State does say it is investigating the suspicious campaign filings of the one unknown candidate. Two reports have not been filed, and letters sent to the candidate say she would face a thousand dollar fine for each entry.



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