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Offshore Drilling Gaining Support Among Frustrated Drivers

May 9th, 2008 by flanews

U.S. Lawmakers want to drill off the coast of Florida to lower gas prices. Oil companies already drill 125 miles out at sea, but as Whitney Ray tells us, the appetite for bringing oil rigs closer may increase as prices flirt with the four dollars mark.

Hear it Here: Offshore Drilling Gaining Support Among Frustrated Drivers

Gas prices are so high Mark Gleim chooses to drive a scooter.

“As gas prices keep on climbing, I’m going to keep on driving it, just keep on beating it into the ground,” said Gleim.

With no relief in site, some in Congress want to offer up Florida’s coast to oil companies. David Mica with the Florida Petroleum Council said drilling closer to shore could lower gas prices.
“Anytime we add to that supply side it’s a positive and can have a real significant impact on that whole equation of price and supply,” said Mica.

Environmentalists say there isn’t a significant amount of oil near the coast, but motorist don’t care they just want the prices lowered no matter where it comes from.

“Whatever it takes to keep the consumer’s money in their pocket,” said Alecia Heffner.

“Whatever it takes to give us Americans a break. We need to start taking care of our own,” said Archie Weatherspoon.

Speculation plays a major role in setting gas prices. Whether or not there is a large amount of oil off the gulf coast may not matter. If people believe it’s there it could help lower gas prices.

Drilling off shore is a gamble, with the environment at stake, and the pay off uncertain, but if billions of barrels are found Mark Gleim won’t have to drive a scooter to get around. If a large amount of oil was found off the coast it would take years to reach the market.

Posted in Environment, State News, Transportation, Wildlife | No Comments »

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